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This is not meant to be a collectors list. Mike Knauer has an excellent one on his website. So there is no need for another one.
My emphasis is on the main storyline, so that the new reader will find his way through.
I am listing the indivdual comics and the old and new graphic novels.
I will list the books in the order of priority and chronology as far as possible.
The Graphic Novels will be listed according to the storyline together with the corresponding comics.
At the moment Warp is publishing a new b&w edition of their graphic novels in the "Elfquest Readers Collection", plus new graphic novels with stuff previously only published in comic form. The unfinished stories will also come out in this format in the next time.
The "Wolfriders Guide to the World of Elfquest" provides a detailed listing of all stuff up until 1996. You can get it at every bookstore, online bookseller or directly from the Wolfrider Shop at EQ.com
Some of the information are thanks to Kir from the EQ-L mailing list, who is an depthless source of EQ knowledge.
The Story of Bearclaw and his blood feud with the human tribe.
One of the newer stories that appeared in the monthly magazine (see below) done mainly by Wendy Pini
and one of the best new material out there. Quite dark and shedding a new light on the war with the humans.
1978- 1984 First released in 20 black and white magazine sized issues, plus #21 with additional art, sketches and miscellania.
These old comics are somewhat hard to get, but with some effort (and some money) can still be found on comic markets, internet trading posts and comic stores with back issues.
They are however more of interest to collectors, since there are far cheaper ways to get the whole story.
The Original Quest was reprinted by Marvel in 32 issues. They are in colour, but in my opinion they are pretty awful in quality. They are however cheap, even as back issues.
4 books, each containing 5 issues of the Original Quest in full colour.
long out of Print, but worth looking for, since the colours are IMHO far better than those of the newer graphic novels.
published in hard- and softcover
went out of print, but the hardcovers are still partly in stock at book retailers.
All books have in the back some really nice additional art, the individual covers and the bridging pages of the comics.
Book 1-4 contain the Original Quest in a newly coloured version, plus some additional art.
GN1 "Fire and Flight"
GN2 "The Forbidden Grove"
GN3 "Captives of Blue Mountain"
GN4 "Quest's End"
First released in 8 black and white comic issues
First released in 9 black and white comic issues.
by Father Tree Press
Book 5 and 6 contain Siege at Blue Mountain in full colour
Book 7 and 8 contain Kings of the Broken Wheel in full colour.
set directly after KoBW.
Previously published in the Elfquest monthly comic (1996 - 1999)
Issues 4,5,6,7,9,10,11,12,13,15,16,18
"Wolfshadow" Summer Special 2001
First part of a collection of planned stories about Cutter and Skywise's friendship called "In all but Blood"
HY: 29 comic issues, #1-24 in colour, #25- 29 in b&w.
SH: 16 comic issues, #1-10 in colour, #11-15 in b&w
HY #1-9 are in no chronological order, they tell miscellanous stories from all over the times, filling in gaps and elaborating on the history of the High Ones. #1-5 are beautifully done by Wendy herself in a brightly coloured painted style.
For a chronological reading: #8 and then 5 come after the end of KoBW and Dreamtime.
Then #9.5 (yes, no joke) to #29 are one continuing storyline again.
From HY16 the story divides into the 2 parallel storylines, Shards and Hidden Years
Hidden Years | Shards |
GN9 "Rogue's Challenge" (contains HY #6-9,5)
GN "Hidden Years" (contains HY #1-5)
GN10 "Shards" (Hidden Years #8-15)
GN11 "Legacy" (Hidden Years #16-22)
GN11a"Huntress"(Hidden Years #23-29)
GN12 "Ascent"(Shards #1-8)
GN12a"Reunion"(Shards #9-16)
35 comic issues, #1-30 in colour, #31-35 in b&w.
#1-10 are non canon "what-if" stories, including some hilarious parodies.
#11-35 are canon. The storyline starts during KoBW in the Sun-Village and goes parallel to KoBW, SH and HY
GN hardcover "New Blood" (#1-5)
GN15 "Forevergreen" (New Blood #11-19)
GN15a "Dream's End(NB 20-27)
GN15b "Phoenix"(August 2001)
RC GN 11b "Wild Hunt"
(Metamorphosis, EQ II 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-10-12-15-18-20-21-22)
RC GN 11c "Shadowstalker"
(EQ II 23-24-25-26-27-28-29-30)
The story of Embers Tribe after the Resurrection of the Palace.
Previously published in the Elfquest monthly magazine.
Rayek's and Ekuar's Adventures after the War for the Palace Shards:
RC GN 9 "Rogue's Curse"
(from the Elfquest monthly magazine: Metamorphosis, EQ II
1-3-9-10-12-13-15-16-17-20-22-24-25-26, Frank Frazetta Fantasy
Illustrated 4)
Non Canon, 6 comic issues in colour.
Even though not part of the official storyline anymore, the OWD are just too beautifully drawn and coloured to leave them out.
1 issue in colour.
This IS canon and is continued in the newer Elfquest magazines.
GN16 "The Wavedancers", includes the canon storyline (WaveDancers Special 1, Metamorphosis, EQ II
6 comic issues in b&w.
The events take place parallel to the last part of KoBW, during the long sleep of the Wolfriders
A 5 part b&w short series about Two-Spear, Cutters notorious predecessor.
Set in the spacefaring Future of the World of Two Moons (WoTM), in a time where the elves have seemingly disappeared.
The stories are mostly parallel, although Jinks starts a bit earlier.
GN13 "The Rebels"(Rebels #1-6)
GN13a "Skyward Shadow" (Rebels #7-12)
GN14 "Jink" (Jink #1-6)
GN14a "Mindcoil" (Jink #7-12)
20 issues in colour.
Telling stories about the Ten Chiefs, these are non canon, but what-if-stories, that might be considered facts distorted by time. Some are really worthwile.
BoTC in the Elfquest Reader's Collection:
GN 9b - "Blood of Ten Chiefs" (Blood of Ten Chiefs 1-7, 10-11)
GN 9d - "Chief's Howl" (possibly BoTC 8-9, 12-20. One or two of these
issues - perhaps 19 and 20 - may be excluded from the book.)
GN "Worldpool"
A collection of crossovers and what-if stories that are related to Elfquest
33 issues
monthly comic including various storylines:
and some other miscellaneous stuff like parodies and standalone short stories.
The Blood of Ten Chiefs Anthologies
partly corresponding to the BoTC comics.